Cancellation Policy

Please email if you need to cancel your appointment. Emails need to be received before 5 pm EST at least one business day in advance to avoid a potential cancellation fee equal to the full price of the scheduled cleaning.

You can also text the office at 404-474-1933.

Appointment cancellation communication will always be acknowledged as soon as feasible during business hours. Since email and text are not always 100% reliable, please recontact us if you do not receive a response during business hours.

If your home cleaner is onsite and unable enter (i.e., key not in lockbox, entry code changed), or if you decline service when your home cleaner arrives, or you cancel service with less than 24 hours’ notice, you will be charged the full price of the cleaning.

We dislike cancellations fees as much as you do, however, they’re required to protect the income of our hard-working home cleaners. Extraordinary circumstances will always be taken into account.

Holiday Policy

Ansley Home Cleaning is closed on the following holidays: New Years’ day, Memorial day, Juneteenth, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday after, December 24th and 25th. If your cleaning falls on one of these days, that day’s service will be skipped and your home will be cleaned on your next regularly scheduled day.

If you’d like to waitlist for any potential rescheduling options, please email with options. Thank you.